Alto Minho Cultural Heritage Supported by New Media

Ref: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-024177

NMSPCAM project aims to teach the local community of Alto Minho about its rich cultural heritage and long history. By embracing technology as participant and as instigator, the project uses new media, such as videogames and videomapping projections, to create tools that aid teaching these topics. The concept offers a creative, fun and imaginative way of learning Alto Minho’s cultural heritage, patrimony, legends and lore. Starting with the development of a set of videogames staring the city of Viana do Castelo, targeted to primary school children, will introduce them to their culture which, with its interactive and explorative nature, stimulates and incites their curiosity to “go out and see”. With videomapping projection, the potential and possibilities of new media extend the target-audience to the entire community, such as residents and students, but also tourists and visitors. The social impact of the project will be evaluated, from its experiments to its results.


This project has several goals related to its research, such as the development of activities based on experience (practice-based research), the involvement of multiple groups of researchers, teachers and students from various scientific domains (including Information Technology, Multimedia, Education, Tourism and Arts), and the involvement of three schools from the two polytechnic institutes of Viana do Castelo and Bragança. The project also involves the contribution of a company dedicated to the production of digital content, the collaboration of the local authorities (municipality), as well the participation of primary schools.


Promotional video made on the day and location of the videomapping projection.

Promotional video with children playing the “À Descoberta de Viana do Castelo” videogame.


This project is multidisciplinary by nature. The research team includes experienced members from several domains as Audiovisual and Multimedia & Computer Graphics, Human Machine Interaction (ESTG-IPVC), Serious Games (ESTG-IPVC and ESacT-IPB), Game Design (ESaCT-IPB), Tourism Studies (ESTG- IPVC), Arts (ESE-IPVC), Education (ESE-IPVC) and a company devoted to new media content and interactive systems. The municipality is also committed with the goals of this project.

Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (Promoter)

  • Pedro Miguel Faria, PhD (Project Coordinator)
  • Pedro Miguel Moreira, PhD
  • Alexandre Ulisses Silva, MSc
  • Goretti Silva, PhD
  • Anabela Moura, PhD
  • Gonçalo Maia Marques, PhD
  • Sandra Cardoso, MA
  • Roberto Morais, BSc


  • Carlos Almeida, PhD
  • Isabel Araújo, PhD
  • Patrícia Vieira, PhD

Instituto Politécnico de Bragrança (Co-Promoter)

  • Bárbara Barroso, MSc (Local Coordinator)

GMK Productions (Co-Promoter)

  • Manuel Agrellos, Dr. (Local Coordinator)


  • Câmara Municipal de Viana do Castelo


If you have any questions about the NMSPCAM Project feel free to contact us, using the contacts below including social media.

Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
Avenida do Atlântico, n.º 644
4900-348 Viana do Castelo

Pedro Miguel Faria
Pedro Miguel Moreira

Telef: +351 258 819 700